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The Art of
Soul Embodiment Living 

Sandy Beach

In this powerful, fast track/life shifting, 8-week Soul Embodiment Catalyst course (taught in live online) you will be given the blueprint to get clear on who you are and what you want. Your clarity, self- confidence, awareness, sense of direction, and passion will increase exponentially. Each class will be held weekly for 1.5 hour along with weekly soul work (30min assignment with a partner ) This program was developed and offered in  Stanford University graduate program and has also helped widowers of 911 tragedy to get back on their feet and create new life with purpose, confidence and self-love through mindful living. It is known that these widowers became very successful in their endeavors and made achievements.

The Hero's journy always start with the call. 
One way or another, a guide must come to say " Look, you're in a Sleepy land. Wake. Come on a trip. There's a whole aspect of consciousness, your being, that's not been touched. So you are at home here? Well, there's not enough of you there. So, it starts..."-Joseph Campbell

If you are ready to….​

  • Get crystal clear on your vision and mission so that you can help others and leave an impactful footprint on this great earth

  • Ignite more passion and love into your life so that you can feel more excitment because you are loved, cherished, and honored

  • Belong to a group of like-minded others who also want to take their lives to the next level so that you can feel a sense of tribe and community

A woman walking on a bridge

Then… The Soul Embodiment Catalyst is for you!

Studying at Home

In this 8-week program you will:


  • Awaken to your true calling by getting clear on who you are and want you really want

  • Discover the vast well of creativity that dwells inside of you so you can powerfully share it with the world

  • Rewrite and Reprogram your limited mindset with new beliefs that will set you free

  • Connect with a tribe that has been attracted by YOUR awesome vibe…a group of people who will hold you high and support you

  • Work with the fear that has been paralyzing you so that you can finally go for it and live out the life that is waiting for you

  • Step into your power, authenticity, and confidence so that you can create abundance by sharing your unique contribution and gifts with the world

Get a crystal-clear blueprint that will help you tap in your creative FLOW and intuition so you can achieve the greatness that you KNOW you are capable of.

A delicious blend of sacred sharing in a safe space, experiential mindfulness and emotional intelligence exercises to refine and define who you are, weekly live-withs to shift your perspective on how you see yourself and the world, plus meaningful conversations with your peer coaching connection partner mid-week to land the learning and solidify the group.

Woman at the Beach


15min FREE chat with Spiritual Life Coach, Ako

90min x 8 Sessions
 with a
30min Sound Bathing session
30min Discovery Call
(You save $150)
with Ako

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